Sarah M. Pike is trained in religion in America. Her research and teaching blend ethnographic and historical methods and materials. She explores the relationship between religion and ecology as well as religion and ethnicity, identity and cultural expression. She is particularly interested in points of conflict and tension within and between religious communities.

Kees van den Bos integrates social psychology and empirical legal research. He addresses questions pertaining to the experience of (in)justice to understand social conflict, trust and distrust in society, perceived fair and unfair treatment, morality, cultural worldviews, pro-social behavior, radicalization, extremism and terrorism.

Mariecke van den Berg uses feminist and queer perspectives to examine how gender and sexuality are approached in Christianity. She addresses masculinity and feminity, heterosexuality and homosexuality, transness and cisness in this tradition. She is particularly interested in what are considered main and sidetopics in the Christian tradition and why.

Tyler Vanderweele holds degrees in mathematics, philosophy, theology, finance, and biostatistics. He is focused on distinguishing between association and causation in the biomedical and social sciences and on psychosocial measurement theory. He examines psychiatric and social epidemiology, the science of happiness and flourishing, and the study of religion and health.